Categorized as one of the renewable energies, Photovoltaic system has a great potential compared to its counterparts of renewable energies. Photovoltaic makes use of the most abundant energy on earth that is sunlight. This is promising in countries where sunlight is available all year round, for example Australia, Sudan. Experimental models have been developed to study the solar modules. Some of these models develop an understanding to successfully integrate the PV as an embedded or as a distribution generation to the grid. In this thesis, an experimental model is developed to study the characteristic of the PV arrays connected to the grid. This is done by monitoring the output of the PV array module in the presence of frequency and voltage deviations. It will also study the effects of connected the PV system to grid and how it affects the output of the system. The objective of this thesis is to the experimental PV system model that could also disconnect itself from the grid when there are critical changes in the grid system. In the future, the model can be developed further to study other problems that come with interconnection to the grid.