In this study linear and angular scattered intensity of different samples were
measured also the reflectivity of samples as a mean of safety was determined.
Samples were chosen according to the, availability and uses in laser clinics and
laboratories. Samples under study were Aluminum with different coatings, glass, and
Two types of lasers were used as a source of irradiation; He-Ne laser (λ =
632.8nm, P = 1mW), Diode laser (λ = 808nm, P = 500mW). The detection systems
used were: photomultiplier for the former and I.R detector for the later.
The reflectivity of samples was determined for different materials at different
incident angle (10°, 20°, 30°)
The values of linear scattered intensity was measured at scattering angle (10°),
and the distance between detector and samples had been changed, this shows inverse
relation due to the interaction of the scattered beam with air molecules.
In angular scattering the measurement was achieved using a chamber in two
situations, before and after covering the chamber. The internal reflection increases
the scattered intensity values, and covering of chamber by isolated material that
eliminates the internal reflections.
In all samples the result of angular scatter shows a dependence of the
scattering angle at a fixed incident angle. Al(2) shows higher values of scattered
intensity compared with other samples because it’s a polish surface, that means use of
this sample in clinics and laboratories may be hazardous.
Also the reflectivity (R) was measured for all samples; reflectivity of
aluminum samples is high compare with glass and ceramic.
Peak values of scattering intensity were obtained when the incidence and
.reflectance angle are equal
The reflectivity of all samples varied with the incident angle the high value in
. )2(Al