The objective of this study was to evaluate the morphology and function of
the heart chambers in hypertensive patients using echocardiography. In this study,a
total of 200 primary or essential hypertensive patients were selected and divided
into two groups (100 patients with controlled hypertensive patients and other 100
patients with uncontrolled hypertensive patients. Ages ranged from ≤ 50 up to 95
years. The studies were done by echocardiography machine in King Abdul-Aziz
Specialist hospital-Taif in Saudi Arabia. The bio- data, included (age ,genderand
period of hypertension in general (5-10)years ), were collected by collected data
sheet. Data analyzed by SPSS (version 16) .
The result of this study revealed that:
-The effectiveness of advancing age and treatment of hypertension on both
sample’s groups in age ≤50 was (11 %) in uncontrolled group and 18% in
controlled group .While in age ranging (50-65) in uncontrolled was (59%) and
(51%) in controlled group although in age ranging (66-95%) was (30%) in
uncontrolled group and (31%) in controlled group.
- The effects of hypertension on different rates of heart ejection fraction on both
sample’s groups. And the result was demonstrated the there was indicator of heart
failure in case of low (3%) and normal (90%) ejection fraction in uncontrolled
group while in controlled group was (3%) in case of low and (92%) in case of
normal ejection fraction which called heart failure with normal ejection fraction or
heart failure preserved ejection fraction and there was indicator of hypertrophic
cardiomyopathy in uncontrolled (7%) more than controlled group (5%).
- There was increased percentage of high EF specially in middle age groups (50-
65) years in uncontrolled of hypertension which represented (57.1%) more than
controlled (40%) while thepercentage in age groups ( 65-95) years was formed
(42.1%) in uncontrolled group and (60%) in controlled and there were no patients
in age<50 years .
-The left ventricular Hypertrophy had affected in different rates of ejection fraction
in both sample`s group and there was indictor of heart failure in low ejection
fraction (66.7%) and heart failure preserved ejection fraction in normal ejection
fraction (45.6%) in uncontrolled group. And in controlled group the percentage
was ( 66.7%) in low ejection fraction and (60.9%) in normal ejection fraction. But
therewas no directly relationship between left ventricular hypertrophy and high
ejection fraction although there wasindicator of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy can
be developed by hypertension in uncontrolled group the percentage was (28.6%)
and in controlled group was (80%) .
- The relationship between the left ventricular hypertrophy with advancing age and
gender on both sample`s group especially in middle age ranging (50-65) years
(69.1%) in uncontrolled and (50%). There was increase in percentage of female
more than male in both sample`s group. In uncontrolled group represented (53.3%)
and in controlled group represented (51.6%).
- The left ventricular diastolic dysfunction had effect in different rates of heart
ejection fraction on both sample`s group and there was indictor of heart failure in
low ejection fraction (66.7%) was equalized percentage on both sample`s . The
indictor of heart failure preserved ejection fraction in normal ejection fraction was
represented (75.6%) in uncontrolled group and (69.6%) in controlled group.
- In left ventricular diastolic dysfunction indicator of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
in case of high ejection fraction in uncontrolled group was (85.7%) and in
controlled was (100%).
-The left ventricular diastolic dysfunction had relationship with age and gender.
The percentage was increased in middle age ranging (50-65) years on both
sample`s group in uncontrolled group was (64.5) and in controlled group was
(50.7%) . And there was increased in females more than males in uncontrolled
group (51.3%) in females and (48.7%) in males while vice versa in controlled was
(42.3%) in female and 57.7%) in males.
-The involving of left ventricular diastolic dysfunction with left ventricular
hypertrophy in controlled was (49.3%) in nil left ventricular hypertrophy and
(50.7%) in case of left ventricular hypertrophy. And sometimes the left diastolic
dysfunction could occur without left ventricular hypertrophy especially in
uncontrolled group ( 67.1%) in nil left ventricular hypertrophy and (32.9%) in left
ventricular hypertrophy.
In conclude, the study showed that the patients with common complications of
hypertensionon the heart can be evaluated by using noninvasive method
transthoracic echocardiography easily without radiation hazard like can be
acquired from in Nuclear medicine investigations.