The aim of this study was to determine the optically active compounds in deferent edible gum types. In this study Sengal, Seyal and Neem Gums and the mixtures of Sengal/Neem, Seyal/Neem and Sengal/Seyal were used. Polax-2l apperatus was used in the polarization determination.
The polarization of the 5% aqueous solution of these gums were determined. The angle of rotation results for the tested gums Sengal, Seyal and Neem were -3.47, 4.317 and -5.867, respectively. The angle of rotation results for the tested gums mixtures were -4.717,-1.223, 0.5 for the mixture of Sengal/Neem, Seyal/Neem and Sengal/Seyal, respectvely.
The calculated polarization results for Sengal, Seyal and Neem were -34.7, 43.17,-58.67, respectively, while the polarization results for tested gum mixtures of Sengal/Neem, Seyal/Neem and Sengal/Seyal were -47.17,-12.23 and 5, respectively. According to the obtained results the mixing of gums has a great effect on both the angle of rotation and the polarization results, Thus polarization is powerful tool can be considered any adulteration or mixing of gums