Micro electro mechanical systems refer to devices or systems integrated with electrical and mechanical components that are in Micro scale. With its small size, low cost and efficiency the technology has been widely used in various fields.
In this research, several models of various concepts are studied, modeled and proposed. First, an introduction to Micro electro mechanical systems will be discussed in chapter I. A briefing of previous recent studies and various models will be given in chapter II. Chapter III will explain in details the theoretical concept from explaining the Coriolis Effect till the resulted capacitance sensing of the gyroscope background. Then the various design parameters proposed and concepts and processes will be presented in chapter IV. Then results and the ideas concluded in chapter V.
The gyroscope is a device that is used in orientation and tilting measurement according to reference. A micro electro mechanical version of the device was invented and it made a breakthrough in the market for its size and efficiency.