Development ontology based on semantic web for (S-NPF) to describes the concepts in the domain and also the relationships that hold between those concepts, Ontology use explicit specifications that consisting of classes , relations between classes , individuals , axioms by using OWL, RDF, SPARQL languages depends on XML is a machine language which is abbreviated as Extensible mark-up language and it is used for documents like HTML, ontology can Improve customer service and the ease simplification of procedures leading to a better outlook on the level of response and can be usefully for human and machine. When starting out an ontology project must find a ontology software editor A programming tool or software development tool is a program that software developers use to create, debug, maintain, or otherwise support other programs and applications in these research used Protégé Ontology Editor /tool and the Ontology made must use by (S-NPF) to share domain information define the concepts and relationships and to find Meaning of terms to avoids misunderstanding.