To own a house is an ever-needed demand for a human being. During last decades, many professionals (engineers, medical doctors, economists, etc) left the country, as immigrants, for decent jobs that satisfy their career expectations and financial requirements that enable them to have a decent house that they couldn’t build as long as they stay at their home country.
Studies in construction sector indicated that there is a dramatic increase in building execution costs, especially during the inflation era in 90s. This study highlights the importance of Value Management technique that may facilitate the improvement of the construction practice in Sudan, especially optimization of middle class (professionals) housing.
A sample of ten exiting houses has been selected, results were listed. According to those results one house has been selected as a case study to implement the value management technique .The VM job plan was applied at the elemental function definition level, and it was applied to specific elements.
Results showed that if we applied VM during early design stages, we can improve the quality of housing and consequentially save about 18.76% from the overall cost.