This is a research for content management which aims to create Sudan University web page. The project has been carried out in order to reorganize the obsolete HTML based web site. The existing web site was developed during the previous 5 years by different developers and without any consistency. In this context there was the need for simplifying the web site management, administration and creating a uniform layout.
The initial goals of this project include the provision of internet and intranet functionalities that cover the external and internal end users' needs such as content browsing, checking information and publishing in an easy and quick way, controlling access and roles, guaranteeing security, etc. In general, maintenance and content usefulness have been my primary concerns and requirements.
The System is contain two interfaces The first interface is used for the internet user who visits the site to get full information about Sudan University of Science & Technology, the programs, Cources, Instructor information, Telephones Agenda and SUST activities and News. And students who are the target audience of the SUST web site. They can get their final results.The second interface is for web administrators and on this interface the privilege varies from user to other and this site is protected by login and password. At first system must verify the login information to enable user to access the site then administrator can add, delete and update the data about:Programs,Student result,Instructor information,News,Activity,Telephone numbers.
The project contains dynamic web pages which are represent the data that have frequently changed. These pages have access to database and can retraive and insert data to the database, static pages which contain static data and do not need to be stored in the database, for example computer center page The XML technology is used to represent and present information about university content data. The goal is also to optimize the content maintenance process, which can guarantee a higher quality and an up to date web site with useful information both for students and Instructor staff. The university data have been collected via XSP web pages and stored in a MySQL database in order to make them available to the user’s web page. The basic separation of the content from its presentation style and from logic is managed by means of contents stored in XML or in a DB and accessed through the Cocoon ESQL logicsheet, and the use of XSL stylesheets for their presentation. This permits us to reuse the same content in different contexts filtering out different information, to guarantee style consistency for presentation of similar pages, and to differentiate content presentation in various contexts.
Content is retrieved in XML format and uniformly formatted as HTML pages. The graphical design has been accomplished by exploiting the graphical programs like Adobe and CorelDraw.
Chapter One Introduction: Project Definition, Motivation, Objectives and Benefits and Techniques used in solving the problem.
Chapter Two literature review: open source, the apache cocoon project, the apache Jakarta tomcat, XML, web publishing and content management system.
Chapter Three relevant work: Zope, opencms and myxml.
Chapter Four design & implementation of CMS: CMS requirements, CMS challenge, building publishing system, building cocoon system and project description.
Chapter Five: Conclusion and recommendations