Software Product Lines (SPL) are families of software systems that share
common functionality, where each member has variable functionality. The
main goal of SPL is the rapid development of member systems by using
reusable assets from all phases of the development life cycle. The SPL
approves the ability of increasing the productivity and reduces time and
costs of developing products.But still there is a lack of high level of
automation in many SPL methods such as KobrA. On other hand the Model
Driven Architecture (MDA) is new automation approach for software
development introduced with main goal of decrease the cost of development
and increase the quality of the product where models are first class. This
research presents a reengineering approach to KobrA which brings high
degree of automation and reuse . Specific metamodels is developed and
some concepts are borrowed from the powerful UML metamodel. The result
shows its rich machinery for adding value to KobrA.