The study was conducted to assess animal production systems in three mixed farming projects in Khartoum state, these included Kuku milk production project (Kuku) Elselait agriculture project (Elselait) and (jebel awlia) agriculture project.
Historical descriptive analytical method and case study followed.
Primary data was collected using a producer questionnaire in addition to interviews of the projects managers and also the secondary data and previous studies on the similar projects.
To guarantee representation of all the producers organized random samples were taken and to improve the field survey.
Measurement of the personal data revealed that (45%) of the producers in (Kuku) their ages (40-60) years old compared to (65%) for (Elselait) which indicated that the youth rank more in (Kuku) probably due to inheritance of the field plots generation after generation.
Considering the educational levels (60%) of (Kuku) producers were preliminary to intermediate levels while (60%) of (Elselait) were university and postgraduate levels which might explain the negative acceptance of (Kuku) producers to new technologies when compared with (Elselait) producers.
As for housing and shelter (100%) of (Kuku) producer used fences while (100%) of (Elselait) producers used sunshade shelter designed according to managergider.
For the roughage feed supply (67.5%) of (kuku) producer obtained it from the field plot while (75%) of (Elselait) producers purchased from the market. both producers at (100%) level of (Kuku and Elselait) purchase feed concentrates from market.
Considering adequacy of veterinary care (60%) of (Kuku) and (65%) (Elselait) producers confirmed adequacy.
Dealing with the production system (62.5%) of (Kuku) producers used mixed system and (37.5%) prefer specialization compared with (22.5%) and (77.5%) for (Elselait) respectively.
For land ownership (100%) of (Elselait) producers hire the land while for (Kuku) (55%) own the land and (45%) hire it.
As for living inside or outside the project (95%) of (Kuku) and (100%) of (Elselait) producers live outside project which minimal their close supervision.
Considering financing all producers at (100%) level in both projects indicated that it was private. For subsistence and dependence on the project (70%) of (Kuku) considers the main and sole source of income for the absence of alternatives while (82.5%) of (Elselait) producers consider it as additional income source as (50%) of them were employees. (33%) of private business and (17%) free work while only (18%) of (Kuku) producers were employees.
The main constraints that faced the producers at (Kuku) were (45%) production (52.5%) marketing and (2.5%) technical while for (Elselait) figures were (45%) production (35%) marketing and (20%) technical.
When considering economie success and recommending entrance of others in such business (65%) of (Kuku) producers gave positive answer compared to (97.5%) for (Elselait) producers.
The study recommended solving the above problems in both projects and speeding up incorporation of animals in the agricultural cycle of (jebel awlia) project according system of Elselait .