This research was conducted to study compositional variation and
nutritive value of pasteurized and sterile market milk processed by
different dairy plants in the Republic of Sudan and Kingdom of Saudi
. (Arabia (KSA
The milk factories producing pasteurized milk subject of this study are :
Kenana and Capo in the Sudan , Nadec , Almarai and Alsafi in Kingdom
.(of Saudi Arabia (KSA
The method used for processing pasteurized milk is the high- temperature
. short time (H.T.S.T) method
For the sterile milk the factories are Taza and Best of the Sudan and
. Saudia and Safio of KSA
The applied method for processing sterile milk is Ultra – High
. temperature (UHT) method
One hundred fifty (150) samples of pasteurized milk were collected
randomly from different sales points in the markets of Khartoum (Sudan)
and Jeddah , Elriyadh and ELnamas (KSA) , 30 samples from each milk
. factory
Also (120) samples of sterile milk were collected in the same way from
. the above mentioned areas
The samples were then subjected to laboratory tests for protein , fat ,
. lactose , total solids , ash and water
The results obtained were then analyzed statistically and accordingly
. composition and nutritive value are studied
Components and Nutritive Value of Pasteurized Milk
Milk Fat
The average fat % of the pasteurized milk is 4.5 % ± 0.07 , 4.3%±0.16 ,
3.2 % ±0 .03 , 3.1 % ± 0.02 and 3.0% ± 0.04 for the milk factories
Kenana , Capo , Nadec , ALmarai and ALsafi respectively.
The statistical analysis showed a significant difference between the
averages of the fat %( percentage) produced by the different milk
factories .The pasteurized milk produced by the Sudanese factories
(Kenana and Capo ) contains high fat levels compared with that of KSA
factories . Accordingly the pasteurized milk produced by the Sudanese
. factories has higher nutritive values in term of fat –content
Milk Protein
The average protein% is 3.14% ±0.05 ,3.08 %±0.02 ,3.07%±0.08 , 3.05
% ± .01 and 3.02 % ± 0.27for the pasteurized milk of Nadec , Capo ,
ALmarai , ALsafi and Kenana respectively. .
The statistical analysis indicated a significant difference between the
average protein % of Nadec factory and that of all other factories .
According to the protein – content in the milk produced by these factories
, Nadec factory pasteurized milk is high nutritious in term of protein than
. that of the other factories
Milk Lactose
The results obtained show an average lactose % of 4.8 % ±0.03 , 4.73 %
±0 .01 , 4.72 % ±0 .02 , 4.4 % ±0.03 and 4.3 % ± 0.42 in the pasteurized
milk produced by Alsafi , Nadec , ALmarai , Capo and Kenana
The statistical analysis showed a significant variation between the
average of the lactose % of the KSA milk factories , but a significant –
variation is recorded between the average lactose of KSA and Sudan
. milk factories
Milk Ash
The average ash % is found as 0.8 % ±0.06 , 0.7 % ±0 .05, 0.60 % ±0 .
07 , 0.60 ± 0 .01 and 0.60 ± 0.06 for Alsafi , Almarai , Nadec , Capo
and Kenana respectively.
Statistically a significant variation was recorded between the average ash
% of Alsafi milk and that of all other milk factories.
Hence the pasteurized milk produced by ALsafi factory is rich in minerals
compared with the milk produced by the other factories and thus has a
. higher nutritive value in term of ash
Milk Total Solid and Water
The average total solids % of the pasteurized milk of Kenana , Capo ,
Nadec , ALsafi and ALmarai is 12.45 % ±0 .82 , 12.38% ±0.22 , 11.67 %
±0.16 , 11.6% ± 0.14 and 11.6 % ± 0.17. .
The statistical analysis showed a significant difference between the
average of total solids % of Kenana milk and that of the other milk
factories. .
High water – content in pasteurized milk is associated with low
concentration of the total solids . So , the highest water content is found
in the milk of ALmarai , ALsafi , and Nadec factories respectively ( 88.4
% ± 0.05 ,88.4 % ±0 .09 and 88.3 % ± 0.03) . .
The pasteurized milk of Kenana and Capo has a low water content
(87.6% ±0 .68 and 87 .6 % ± 0.15 ) and thus high concentration of the
total solids.The statistical analysis shows a significant difference between
water content of all factories. .
According to the obtained and discussed results the pasteurized milk
produced by the factories of the Republic of Sudan has a high nutritive
value than that produced in KSA. .
The variation in the composition polymorphism of the pasteurized milk
produced by the mentioned factories may be related to the different
components contents of raw milk before processing , which are in turn
affected by so many factors or to milk treatment during processing such
. standardization , skimming and others
Components and Nutritive Value of Sterile Milk
Milk Fat
The average fat % of the sterile milk according to the results is 3.4 %
±0.14 , 3.2 % ± 0.17 , 3.2 % ± 0.08 and 3.1 ± 0.02 for Taza , Best ,
Safio and Alsaudia milk respectively. .
The statistical analysis indicates a significant difference between the
average fat % of the sterile milk produced .The sterile milk produced by
Taza factory has the highest fat content followed by Best , Safio and
Alsaudia and accordingly Taza milk has higher nutritive value in term of
fat ,when compared with other milk . The nutritive value of milk in
general gains its nutritive value from its fat – content .
The variation in the fat content of the produced sterile milk may be
related to the origin fat content of the raw milk or the treatment
. procedures during processing
Milk Protein
The average protein % of the sterile milk produced by Safio , Best ,
Alsaudia and Taza is 3.1 % ±0.09 , 3.1 %± 0.38 , 3.0 % ± 0.01 and 2.9
±0.18 The statistical analysis showed significant difference between the
average % of the sterile milk produced . Comparing the protein content of
the sterile milk produced by the four factories , it is obvious that it has the
. same nutritive value in term of protein
Milk Lactose
Sterile milk with higher lactose content is produced by Saudia followed
by Safio , Taza , and Best with an average % of 4.9 % ±0.02 , 4.6 % ±
0.03 , 4.2 % ± 0.17 and 3.7 % ± 0.01 respectively. .
The statistical analysis indicated a high significant difference between the
average lactose % of the sterile milk produced by all factories .
The nutritive value of the sterile milk produced by Saudia is higher
. compares with Safio , Taza and Best respectively
Milk Ash
To order the average ash % from high to low of the sterile milk produced
by the different factories , comes first Safio , then Saudia , Taza and Best
with an average % of 0.8 % ± 0.09 , 0.6 % ±0.03 , 0.6 % ± 0.03 and 0.4
% ±0.13 respectively. .
The statistical analysis showed a high significant difference between the
average ash % of Safio sterile milk and the milk of the other factories .It
can be noticed that the ash content of the sterile milk produced Saudia ,
Taza and Best has a low ash – content . .
From nutritional point of view the sterile milk produced by Safio factory
. has the highest nutritive value , when ash – content is considered
Milk Total Solids and Water
The average total solids % of Safio , Saudia , Taza and Best sterile milk is
found as 11.7 % ±0 .29 ,11.6 % ± 0.08 , 11.1 % ± 0.51 and 10.4 % ± 0.7.
The average water % for the same factories and in the same order is 88.3
% ± 0.09 , 88.4 % ± 0.03 , 88.9 % ± .17 and 89.5 % ± 0.18 . A
significant variation is noticed between the average total solids and water
% between Safio , Saudia and Taza and that of Best sterile milk. In this
case the sterile milk produced by Safio factory has the higher nutritive
value compared with others considering the total solids content. The
results indicate clearly that the sterile milk produced by the KSA milk
factories is highly nutritious than that of Sudan milk factories . It
worth to mention that the concentration of the different elements in the
raw milk and the way the processing methods ( pasteurization or
sterilization ) are achieved determine the nutritive value of the consumed
liquid milk .
Finally ce . rtain recommendations are given in this aspect