Background: Cystatin C and B2-macroglobulin, are mainly
used as biomarkers of kidney function. Because of their small
size, Cystatin C andB2-microglobulin are freely filtered by the
glomeruli, and dose not return to the blood stream or secreted by
renal tubules. They have been suggested to be closer to the
“ideal” endogenous marker, and emerging as a biomarker
superior to serum creatinine for estimating the glomerular
filtration rate and predicting the risk of death and cardiovascular
events. Diabetic nephropathy cause gradual renal impairment,
that may end with end stage renal failure. In glomerular kidney
disease, the glomeruli can't filter cystatin C and B2-
microglobulin out of the blood, so levels increase in blood and
decrease in urine.
Objectives: To assess the plasma levels of cystatin C, B2-
microglobulin, creatinine, creatinine clearance, blood HbA1C%
and body mass index among Sudanese patients with type 2
diabetes in comparison with healthy controls.
Materials and methods: This is a case-control study conducted
in Jabir Abulizz and Almolazmeen diabetic centers in Khartoum
state, Sudan, during the period from November 2010 to March
2014. A total of 300 Sudanese patients with type2 diabetes
mellitus (49%males and 51% females)as a test group and 150
healthy subjects(48%males and 52%female) as a control group
were enrolled in this study. The test group and the control group
were matched in term of gender and age. The plasma levels of
cystatin c, B2-microglobulin, creatinine and blood HbA1c%
were measured using Nephelometry technique. creatinine
clearance was calculated and the body mass index was
determined for each participant. SPSS was used for analysis of
data. Student's “t” test was used for comparison between the test
group and the control group and Pearson’s correlation was used
to assess correlations between variables.
Results: In the current study the majority of diabetic patients
were found to be obese (71%), with long standing diabetes
(65%) and had uncontrolled diabetes (69%). The means of the
plasma levels of cystatin C, B2-microglobulin, creatinine , blood
HbA1c% and body mass index were significantly raised in the
diabetic group when compared to the control group
(p<0.05).The study showed a significant positive correlation
between the plasma levels of cystatin C and creatinine , and a
significant moderate positive correlation between the plasma
levels of cystatin c and HbA1c % of the diabetic group. In the
present study there was significant moderate positive
correlations between HbA1c% and plasma levels of both;
cystatin C and B2-microglobulin, whereas creatinine clearance
had significant inverse moderate correlations with both; cystatin
C and B2-microglobulin.
Conclusion: From the results of this study it is concluded that:
plasmacystatin c, B2-microglobulin,creatinine,HbA1c% and
body mass index are raised in Sudanese with type 2diabetes.
Plasma cystatin C and B2-microglobulin have significant
inverse correlations with the glomerular filtration rate. Both
cystatin C and B2-microglobulin plasma levels have significant
positive moderate correlations with HbA1c%.Tthe plasma levels
of cystatin C and B2-microglobulin could be used as markers of
renal function and glycemic control in patients with type 2