The ABO system was the first to be recognized and remain the most important.
Kell is one of the important blood group system on human erythrocyte.
This study was aimed at determining the frequency of Kell-1 and Kell-2 phenotypes in
Arrakien population.
The study was carried out in 100 predetermined random samples; from Arrakien
tribe and the grand father has one chance to be included in the study. Samples were tested
for the presence of ABO using slide method and for K1 and K2 using ID- Gel Micro
typing system which contain coated anti- K1 and anti-K2 antisera.
The samples were collected from Tyba Elshekh Abdalbagi and Abu Haraz areas.
Result was showing that: The frequency of ABO , A blood groupwas found to be 30%, B
was 27%, O was 39% and AB was found to be 4%. Kell-1 was found to be 2%, while
Kell-2 was found to be 98%.
The conclusion of the study was that: The frequencies of ABO was found tobe
close to that found in people from African race( Nairobian and Nigerian populations) and
far from that found in United states and Mexico populations. The frequency for Kell 1 in
the Arrakien population was found to be close to that found in Blacks of United states
populations . and Negroes of Brazil ,and it was far away from that found in Arabian and
English populations, and Kell-2 was found close to the studies that done to Pakistani and
English populations.