This study was conducted at Babanousa area, which is located in the western part of the south Kordofan state, between latitudes (10º - 12º) north and longitudes (27º – 29º) east. It lies at the low rainfall woodland savannah zone. The area is estimated to be about 15,000,000 feddans. Inhabitants of Babanousa area are mainly Baggara tribes, who are cattle breeders and they cultivate some crops beside grazing which is their main activity. The overall objective is to study the performance of some selected natural range plant species which currently are considered the main source of livestock feed within the study area. This study aims to select suitable methods and techniques that are to be used in forage conservation such as hay and silage making to improve livestock feed balance during the dry season. Also to determine if the rangelands under open grazing practices conform to the conventional thinking of decreased productivity.
The methodology used in the study included botanical measurements for the assessment of range vegetation composition, density, relative frequency and soil vegetation cover. This information was used in the determination of range vegetation current condition. The total forage biomass production was also measured for the determination of the range vegetation carrying capacity within the study area. Chemical analysis was used to determine crude protein and crude fiber of silage and hay. Soil samples were taken and a seed extraction technique was used to determine the seed bank of the area.
The study showed that the current condition of the range grass species of the area is affected largely by the current utilization of its plants. The normal practice in the area is the grazing of the same plant species, by the same class of livestock at the same time yearly. Such practice is bound to bring about the suppression of certain plant species in favour of others. This practice results in the decrease of desirable plant species and increase of less desirable ones and the appearance of invader plant species. The study also showed that the cattle of the semi- nomadic tribes surrounding Babanousa usually suffer from shortage of grazing during summer time, so the remaining range plants (especially Zornia diphylla and Eragrostis tremula) can be harvested during the flowering stage and conserved whether as silage or hay to be used as feed for livestock during summer time.