The purpose of the present study is to investigate the role of the
Communicative Approach in developing learners` speaking performance,
via descriptive and experimental methods. The study population covers
secondary schools in Kassala locality, where the researcher selected 10
schools randomly and 21 teachers of both sexes. And classroom
observation is the first tool to evaluate Speaking lessons. And one
secondary school for girls was chosen for the oral test as the second tool
of the research in which the researcher divided it into two groups, control
and experimental groups of 110 students. The data analyzed through 8
items for the classroom observation, and 14 questions for the oral test.
Thus the discussion has concluded to the following results:
1- Classroom procedures, techniques and materials in Spine 5 curriculum
are not sufficient enough to develop learners` Speaking performance.
2- The lack of communicative activities in Spine 5 prevented the facilities
that the Communicative Approach offers for effective communication.
3- The current curriculum of 2nd secondary schools does not fix
communication continuity between learners, and this due to the emptiness
of beneficial activities in it.
4- Most of the activities in Spine 5 curriculum are discussion questions,
but not communicative activities which can lead to real motivation among
The researcher recommended the following points.
1- The researcher recommended providing 2nd grade curriculum with
Visual Stimulus Cards.
2- The researcher recommended taking into consideration individual
differences and psychological factors among learners.