The objective of this study is to optimize the drilling performance in
the Tharjath oil field in order to increase the penetrations rate by choosing
the optimum weight on bit and optimum rotational speed to decrease the
cost and time.
The study began with the collection of the required data and
information from the White Nile Petroleum Operation Company
(WNPOC), Geological Research Authority of Sudan (GRAS) and from
the ministry and energy and mining (MEM).
In this study the Z. Aswad mathematical model was selected. Four
scenarios were assumed to obtain to optimum penetrations rate ad weight
on bit and to obtain the optimum rotational speed on study area.
In the first scenario the weight on bit was kept constant and the rotational
speed was varied using a new drilling bit. The penetration rate was found
for drilling fluids of different densities. The second scenario was similar
to the first one but the drilling bit was partially deteriorated.
In the third scenario drilling fluids of different densities were used
but the rotational speed is kept constant while the weight on bit was
varied, and assuming new drilling bit the penetration rate is calculated.
The fourth scenario is similar to third one but the bit was assumed to be
partially deteriorated, the penetration rate was calculated.
The penetration rates obtained from the above scenarios were
drawn graphically and analyzed, and then the results were obtained for
the optimum weight on bit and rotational speed.
The obtained result can be applied after doing further studies using
data for different wells covering all the study area.