MBT is the automatic generation of software test procedures, using models of system requirements and behavior. This type of testing requires significantly more up-front effort in building the model, but it offers more advantages over traditional software testing methods. The increase of testing effort is growing according to the systems sizes and testing cannot keep pace with the development of complexity and size of systems. MBT involve three main steps: Modeling, test case generation and test execution .Test scripts are a necessary part of the third step where the test case has been generated need to concertize. So for large and complex system writing test script for each test cases for the systems is consuming time and effort, and complex to maintain it.
This research finds an approach for automated testing to reduce the time and effort for writing test script and to improve the quality of the products. Previous research in this area has test automation methods, but they are focused in generation of test cases, while this research is focuses on generation of test scripts.
Recently Model Driven Architecture has been emerged as an effective methodology for systems development. The aim of MDA is to decrease the cost of development and increase the quality of the product through automation and making artifact reusable. This is realized through developing Platform independent metamodel (PIM), platform specific metamodel(PSM) and transformation or mapping rules. Then MDA has machinery to automate the mapping process using standard language like QVT. It is proposed MDA can work for test scripts generation where a PIM metamodel represent the test cases and PSM metamodel represent the test scripts are being developed. An open source MDA toolset, EMF, has been used with a case study to show the possibility of proposed approach.
The result shows test script could be generated from test case abstraction level without need for programming skills because of high abstraction level MDA has afford. So the develop time could be reduced and effort. MDA in test automation improve the test efficiency where any changes to either end could be synchronized automatically and it will simply maintenance.