With the new development in software engineering field the need to use, understand and apply Agile Engineering for Distributed Dependable Systems will be essential, including a list of all the deliverables. Commonly, companies base the development on certain processes, which comprise several activities, as the waterfall model. The waterfall model distinctively shows a clear temporal order, where one phase has to be finalized before the next phase starts. Incremental software developments address these challenges and try to consider changes. Change in requirements in late time can be smoothly dealt with it, because in some practices product owner is contributed and collaborative with agile teams. This thesis presents a survey based research that was carried out on a number of companies in SUDAN and many countries. The research revisited the methodology and applications of it through different questions and investigations in distributed dependable systems to get knowledge about the domain. This dissertation focused on the study of impact of using agile for Distributed Dependable Systems. The contribution of this research is to know that many companies and developing teams used these methodologies for systems that have dependable attributes like availability, reliability, safety, security and survivability.