Tuberculosis is a fatal disease that can affect almost any part of the body
but mainly the lung. The disease is caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis
(MTB). This study aimed to exclude the highly toxic phenol from staining
solution used for MTB detection and develop safer procedure. For this,
selective lipophilic agent’s fairy, Clorax and septol were selected and used.
A known positive sputum and culture-smear prepared were stained by
traditional ZN and selective lipophilic agents using heating either flame or
water path at 600c for 10 mins. The result were obtained a cid fast bacilli
stained red colour with blue background.
The results of this method compared with traditional ZN stain showed
no significant differences P< 0.05 between these methods and the original
one. We recommended to use new selective agent as an alternative to phenol
that is cheaper, safe and easy to handle.