The study dealt with the value chain analysis of Sudan sheep exports in the States of Khartoum Alsalam market and West Kordofan Elkhwei market during 2010 - 2020. The problem of the study was the situation of increasing the cost of sheep production and declining exports revenue. The study aimed to assess the value chain analysis of Sudan Live sheep exports inElkhwei and Al Salam Markets. The study depended on primary and secondary data collected from the study area and from official sources. The study used descriptive statistics for socio-economic characteristics, time series data using the SPSS software program to estimate the respective value additions of sheep export of Sudan. The main results of the study were: the majority of producers were young with range between 31-50 years of age. They were affected positively by sheep production. The study also showed that about 26% of producers, 46.2% of retailers, and 53.8% of the wholesalers were illiterate, while 50% of the retailers and less than 50% of the wholesalers were graduates. Producers and exporters incurred most of the costs in the value chain, about 1355.2 SDG and 913.89SDG respectively compared to 288.94 SDG for retailers and 360.81 SDG for wholesalers. This is attributed to the risk nature of production and export activities. The study recommended the improvement of pasture rehabilitation and associated services, rehabilitation of markets with low fees, adequate logistics and large double-deck trucks to reduce cost of transportation of sheep.