This study aims to investigate the impact of teaching literature on enhancing EFL Sudanese secondary school students’ creative writing skills; the study took place at Almanar SecondaryPrivate School for Boys and Girls in the school academic year (2020-2021). The study has adopted the descriptive analytical method: the researcher collected data by using two tools, a pre- posttest for (30) EFL Sudanese secondary second year school students and a questionnaire for (30)EFL Sudanese secondary school teachers .To analyze the data of the study the researcher has used the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS).The findings of the study revealed that EFL Sudanese secondary second year school students encounter some serious creative writing problems ; they cannot write a good paragraph that contains aspects of creative writing skills (fluency, flexibility, originality and accuracy), in addition, when it comes to doing exercises based on creative writing such as writing composition, summary or a short story, they are observed to be very poor performers, resulting in comparatively poor achievements. Furthermore, teaching literature played a crucial role in developing students’ creative writing skills. In the light of the findings of the study, the researcher recommends that teachers should expose students to literature as teaching literature provides valuable authentic materials to develop the students’ creative writing skills, enhances language acquisition , expands the students’ language awareness, develops personal participation and contributes to the enrichment of culture and language, in addition, English language teachers should be trained on using different types of collaborative strategies in creative writing skills. Furthermore, teachers should raise the students' awareness about the importance of literature in enhancing creative writing skills. Moreover the study is concluded by some suggestions for further studies.