An extensive investigation of herd size, herd structure, breed type, lactation performance, feeding policies, housing, disease preventive measures and management practices were carried out in some dairy farms in Khartoum state. The Data was collected from 60 dairy farms, randomly selected from different localities within the Khartoum state. Information pertinent to dairy management, husbandry practices and preventive measure practices were secured through an extensive questionnaire and direct interview with the farm owners. A descriptive statistical analysis of the data indicated the following: - The total number of cattle in the 60 herds surveyed was 2690 heads with an overall mean of 44.83± 20.40 head / herd. The breed used in these farms was 100% graded dairy cows of varying levels of exotic blood. The exact crossing percentage however was not identified because of lack of breeding records in the majority of the farms. The Herd structure was as follow: the number of milking cows was 1499 cow (55 % of the total herd) with an overall mean of 24.98±13.00 cows / herd. The dry cows comprised 9.6 %, Heifers 9.3 % and calves 23% and bulls 3.1%of the herd. The mean total daily milk production per cow was found to be 188.64±77.28 liter/day .The average price of milk was liter 167.86±10.66 SDG. The average lactation length was 12.7 ± 2.1 month, while the average dry period was 1.96 ± .581 month. Amount of concentrate fodder mean was 4.40±.806 kg in day. Most of the pens were poorly designed; with an average area of 700.53± 193.5 m2 where as 20 % of which is shaded and 80 % unshaded area. Individual calf housing was adopted in 23.3 %, identification of calves was practiced in 18.3 % and dehorning was applied in 16.4. % of the total farms studied. 81.7 % of the total farms have no production records, 78.3 % with no health records, 83.6 % with no reproductive records and 81% with no feeding records. The most widely used method for insemination was natural mating and was adopted in 90.2 % of the farms and artificial insemination was used in combination with natural mating in 9.8 % of the farms. Only 16.7 % of the total farms were under veterinary supervision. The annual routine vaccination against diseases 40% of the total farms. The cases of Mastitis was found in73.3%, Foot and Mouth Disease existed in 42.6% and brucellosis cases in 18% and CBPP in 59%and milk fever in
65.6.% of total farms. Culling policies were practiced in only 50.8% of the farms and Disinfection was practiced in 24.2 % of the total farms. Deworming with anthelmintic drenching was applied in 83.3 % for internal parasites control, while 77% used routine ticks spray for external parasite. Pregnancy diagnosis was practiced in 21.7% of the total farms.
The data revealed that 23 % of the owners were graduated 31.1% were illiterates 34.4 % were primary level and 11.5% were high school level. The age of most owners ranged between 49 – 59 years (32.8 %).
Most of the labors were 45.9% primary level while 39.3 % were with illiterates and 14.8%were high school. The age of most labors ranged between 25 – 35 years (42.6 %).