This study aims to evaluate secondary schools' English Language teachers ( In – service and Pre – service ) training programs and to investigate the role of these programs in preparing qualified English language teachers , and the problems facing English language teachers that negatively affect their performance and their needs. One of these problems is the lack of systematic , useful, and well planned pre-service and in- service teacher training programs . However, English language teachers do not receive enough training that qualify them teaching English as a foreign or second language . The researcher used a teachers' questionnaire, classroom observation check list and an interview to collect the necessary data . The most important findings which the research has come to can be presented as follows: There is a lack of systematic planning and evaluation of pre – service and in-service teachers' training programs . -There is always a lack of correlation between the theoretical training and training in practical teaching .- Teachers' development activities generally do not focus on teachers' needs and circumstances . - School academic year contains many wasted periods that should be invested in teachers' development , e.g. at the early beginning of the year and after final examinations . In the light of the findings and conclusions of the study, the researcher recommends the following . There should be valid and systematic tools to identify and assess the English teacher trainingneeds. There should be well designed programs of training for English language teachers to be used as in-service and pre-service training .The Training and Qualifying Sector at The Ministry of Education should employ researchers to design and prepare suitable training programs for in-service Englishteachers.
In the light of the present study results, conclusions and recommendations, the followingsuggestions for further research seem pertinent:
1 - Replicating the present study. It could be replicated on other samples and over a longer period of time in order to further test itshypotheses.
2 - Developing EFL teachers' performance at preparatory schools in light of their professional and specialistneeds...