Background: Recently, with the lack of filling all the ATMs with sufficient amounts of money, the need has led to the emergence of a state of waiting for people in front of the ATMs to withdraw cash, and there are other factors that have increased the number of people, including the weak technical experience, which led to the slow process of withdrawing cash from the teller. Automated, the problem formed from the user interface responding to people who were called to find solutions to speed up the process of withdrawing cash from the ATM and reduce the number of people waiting. The subject was taken as a research problem for the study, this study was taken to solve the problem by increasing the speed of withdrawing cash from the ATM.
The method: The QR code technology was chosen and the bank card that required the presence of the person inside the ATM was chosen to deal with the mobile banking, a number of steps that took most of the time were shortened and implemented in the mobile banking while waiting at the queue, it required finding a new algorithm with time complexity Line and create a new table in the database for the joint interaction between the mobile banking, the ATM, and the third party organizing the financial process, so that the mobile reads the data within the QR Code pattern that appears on the ATM’s welcome screen and uses it in the withdrawal process.
Results: A set of attempts were made as samples, which are attempts to withdrawal the money from the ATM, and it was analyzed and the average times required for the withdrawal process were calculated, A simulator was made consisting of an ATM simulator, a mobile application, and databases to simulate the algorithm that was designed, After testing the algorithm in the simulator, the result was an increase in the speed of the cash withdrawal process from the ATM four times than it was previously.