This study aimed at evaluating the livestock extension radio programs on livestock farmers in River Nile state. Data were collected from 90 respondents randomly selected from three localities (Aldamar, Atbara and Barbar) by using the simple sample technique. The questionnaire was used to collect primary data, while the secondary data was gained from references, sources research, reports , and internet . The data was statistically analyzed by using the SPSS application (statistical package for social science) to calculate the frequencies and Chi –square).
The results of the study showed that the more than half of respondents (55.6%) attended the extension capsules of radio program, while (55.5%) followed the veterinary journal extension program, and (41.1%) of the respondents relied mainly on extension radio programs to obtain agricultural information on animal health and husbandry, and (61.1%) of respondents reported that the broadcasting time of the studied extension radio programs is not suitable.
The results of the Chi Square analysis also showed that there was no significant relationship between the socio-economic characteristics of the respondents (educational level, age, type of activity, herd types and experience)) and the follow-up for morning capsules. While the herd size significantly affected the follow-up for veterinary journal extension radio program.
The study recommended changing the broadcasting time, and re-broadcast the program at different times during the week.