The main objective of this study was to investigated the effects of socio-economicfactors onprimaryschool boys dropout . . Dar AlslamEast locality.Which was located in west Omdurman..Its composed of ten block in each block there were two primary schools one for boys and one for girls .
A multi-stage proportional random sampling methomd was used to select apurposivesample from three categories of population .The frst categories included the droppers (103)& the second category included the droppers' heads households (103). The third category composed of100 teachers. Afull-coverage survey was applied for this categoryfromten governmental basic schools. (Table3-1)
. The primary datafor this study was collected throughdirect individual interviews by the reacher to fill three specific questionnaires designed by the researcher. Address to the threesgroups.The secondary data was collected from relevant references ,previous studies and reports as well as close participant observation .
The conceptual model employed in the study includes adependent variable areboys drop out from school, & six independent variables: economic causes social causes, educational services, health status, personal causes& family relations.
Diffrent statistical procedures were used to analysis data in this study using the statistical package for social scieence,,spss,to analysis the collected data .