This study was conducted to evaluate the socio-economical conditions and technical appraisal of the fishermen community in Khartoum state in four fishing sites, Jabel Aulia, FatihAlaglien, Alshijra, and Almawrda. The study was conducted in May 2017. The data was collected through the questionnaire. Descriptive analysis was done for analyzing the data of the study by using Excel Microsoft Office (Windows2007) and SPSS version 24. It was found that most of the fishermen belonged to the age groups of 46-60 about (24% in Almawrada), (45% in FatihAlaglien), (44% in Alshijra ) and (34.5% in Jabel Aulia). All fishermen surveyed are male (100%) and Muslim (100%). Social status of fishermen most of them are married about 60% in Almawrada, 50% in FatihAlaglien, 60% in Alshijra, and 70% in Jabel Aulia. The data showed that most fishermen work full time in FatihAlaglien and Jabel Aulia about 70% and 56.7%, but in Almawarda and Alshijra most of the fishermen work part-time about 60% and 52%. Furthermore, it was reported that the largest percentage of fishermen own fishing boats about 85%, 80%, 73.3%, and 72%, FatihAlaglien, Almawrda, Jabel Aulia, and Alshijra, respectively. Most of the fishermen catch second-degree fish in the four regions about 65% in FatihAlaglien, 46.7% in Jabel Aulia, 40% in Almawrda and Alshijra. The largest percentage of fishermen do not use illegal nets about 96% and 4% use illegal nets in Alshijra,80% reply, no and 20% reply yes in Almawrda,65% reply no and 35% replies yes in FatihAlaglien and 63.3 reply no and 36.7% replies yes in Jabel Aulia. Through this study, it was noted that the fishermen's community needs more studies in the educational and financial aspects because most fishermen depend on fishing as basic professional fishermen need training and guidance courses on fisheries, methods of conservation, and fishing gears.