The study aimed to examine the role of leader women participating in humani-tarian aid during the conflict in Darfur in the camps of Nyala city (Ottash- Drgai - Alsalam - Al-Serif) Camps.
Research used both quantitative and qualitative methods in the process of work, PRA techniques used in the field. e.g meetings, focus group discussions, inter-views and random informal meeting to crosscheck some information gathered using questionnaire.
The selection of women depended on Women who live in the camp and mem-ber in humanitarian‟s assistance committees. 100 of the women participating in committees in humanitarian aid were selected.
The results of the study and analysis showed that 66% the age of the respond-ents were range between 25 -50 years. In addition, presentations of women in committees were present 2 – 3 members.
Based on the results, the study recommended encouraged educated and young-est women to participate in commutes and development activities.
The study also recommended that donors should continue to provide long-term support to achieve sustainability of projects and direct capacity-building pro-grams to upgrade the skills of campers.