Catholic Schools have developed in Sudan along with the beginning of modern education since the end of the XIX century. These schools, as basic schools in general in Sudan, face today the challenge of quality.
The study aims at assessing the educational quality of those schools in Khartoum State through the EFQM Excelence Model. Considering this purpose, the research is descriptive but also exploratory as it intends to verify the applicabililty of a contextualized version of this Model to a sample of three Catholic Primary Schools (case study strategy). The study identifies the main variables that explain the differences of quality among those schools as well. In this way, the research process should also instill an evaluation culture in the selected schools.
The study is also explanatory as it intends to analyse the relation between the particular objectives of those schools and the concept of educational quality.
The research demonstrates the applicability of the model and shows some specific characteristics of quality of Comboni schools: the stress on continuous evaluation of the students through homework and periodical tests; their open and dynamic concept of identity that makes them welcoming to diversity; the care for the quality of the premises and for their Catholic identity.
Moreover, the study identifies some variables that explain the different quality between the schools of the sample: pre-service teachers training; in-service staff training; average salary, number of students and the organization of camps to help finalists to prepare the General Basic School Certificate exams.
At the end of the research, a post-test version of the self-assessment tool is elaborated that can be better used for Comboni Basic Schools in the future but also for other Basic Schools in the country.
The study recommends the studied schools to develop a written document with their mission, vision, goals and strategies to achieve them with involvement of the school community and the inclusión of a communication plan.