The global expansion of Higher Education (HE), socioeconomic changes and
technology advancements exert tremendous pressures on HE including its
alignment with labor market. In Sudan, HE has seen unprecedented growth over
the last two decades, both in terms of numbers of HE Institutions (HEIs), and the
vast admission increase in the existing ones.
Education-to-employment is a long, complex and interrelated process that
encompasses every step of the transformation of students into contributing
members of the workforce. It includes many activities and decisions taken by the
many stakeholders; such as, students, graduates, employers -public and privateas
well as HE policymakers, among many others. Many of the decisions taken
throughout the process are uninformed and are based on alternative information
source due to the lack of, or inaccessibility of reliable objective decision-support
This remarkable expansion in HE provides a number of challenges and
opportunities, including adapting HE to the labor market demands while
maintaining quality by availing decision-support information and analysis
capabilities to all stakeholders, and this is the focus of this research.
The objective of this thesis is to investigate the value and advantage of utilizing
Business Intelligence (BI) technologies to enhance decision-making throughout
the education-to-employment process. The research hypothesizes that adopting
these technologies leads to reliable and knowledge-based decisions and would
yield a better-quality process.
A mixed-model research approach was utilized to develop a BI implementation
model while exploring the main factors affecting its adoption. Then an empirical
investigation of stakeholders’ perception and expectation was carried out.
Content analysis methodologies and exploratory interviews were used in
identifying the crucial factors affecting adoption and their associated variables.
The survey target group includes senior students, recent graduates and
This study produced a useful and usable implementation of the BI model that
consolidates scattered HE data in a Data Warehouse (DW) and answers HE
admission queries. Furthermore, the survey results significantly support the
research hypothesis, as it has concluded that there is substantial stakeholders’
support for the use of technology and the adoption of BI throughout the
education-to-employment process. This support is consistent among all
respondents, and yet is contrasted with their dissatisfaction with the current
process in all the examined activities, ranging from HE admission and career
planning to recruitment and talent retention. One of the most important findings
is that major prerequisites for BI adoption in Sudan are already available and fitfor-
This thesis has laid out the foundation for improving the education-toemployment
process while providing insight to HE planners, businesses and HEIs
to better realize the value of BI, the possible obstacles, and the existing leverage
in its adoption. It has also provided a base for further BI research and extending
empirical studies to other countries with the aim of amending the statistical
analysis, and refining the BI components.