This was a descriptive cross-sectional study conducted at the department
of obstetrics and gynecology in soba teaching hospitalit was conduct
during the period from
April to august2019. The main aim was to assess the association of
placenta location with previous caesarean section (CS) in pregnant
woman. In antenatal Clinic as per protocol 60 pregnant women were
scanned in their second and third Trimester for fetal wellbeing and
placental localization after taking a detailed Obstetrical history and
clinical examination. All women without previous caesarean Section
were excluded. Methodology the data collection from pt by data
collection Sheet and analysed by SPSS.
The study found that the most common placental location site in
association with caesarean section for participants was posterior (46.7%),
or anterior (25%), while (table 4.7) the placental location site in
association with caesarean section was statistical significantly different
and it correlated to the variety of No. of scars.
The incidence of placenta Previa was significantly increased in those with
a previous caesarean section and (Ahmed et al., 2015), placenta Previa was highly significantly associated with previous caesarean section.