This study is descriptive study, the aim of this study to determine the
renal sizes for healthy Sudanese children, and to correlate this
measurement with age and somatic parameters (height weight, and
abdomen circumference).
We examined 60 children their age from (6years-16year), including a
total of 38 females and 22 males without renal problems,the renal length
(CM),width (CM) were measured by zonecare ultrasound machine with
high resolution 3.5 frequency carveliner transducer.
The study found that, there is no significant correlation between the
kidney measurements and gander, there is significant correlation between
the kidney measurement (length, width) and age , In addition, there is
significant correlation between the kidney measurement (length, width)
and height. There is significant correlation between the kidney
measurement (length, width) and weight, and there is significant
correlation between the kidney measurement (length, width) and AC.
The research presented normal measurements of kidney in healthy
Sudanese children.