This study was conducted in AlSAHA specialist hospital in the radiology department in Khartoum from September 2019 to November2019.
Descriptive cross sectional study designed to evaluate lung abnormalities by using high resolution computed tomography, the data was collected from 49 patient 24 male and 25female,aged between20-90year classified and analyzed using SPSS.
The study found the most common lung abnormalities were : pleural effusion(30.6%),pneumonia(18.4%),Bronchiectasis(16.3),CAlung(12.2%),Bronchitis(10..2),T.B(8.2%),Emphysema(2%)and hem pneumothorax(2%) ) .Also study found there is no significant between the age and the lung abnormalities (P-value = 0.1), and there is no significant between the lung abnormalities and gender(P-value = 0. .694).
The study concluded to: The Pleural Effusion is most prevalent abnormalities by (30%) and hem pneumothorax is less prevalent (2%) .The study concluded there is no significant between the lung abnormalities and age ,and lung abnormalities and gender. Finally HRCT has an important role in diagnosis lung abnormalities
This study recommended to perform more study in different Sudan States , that help in analytic studies Take clinical sign to find the relation with lung abnormalities