A field experiment was conducted at the College of Agricultural Studies, Sudan University of Science and Technology (SUST) at Shambat,during summer season of 2016, to study the effect of water intervals on growth andfodderyield of threevarieties of forageSorghum namelyAbusabein [Sorghum bicolor (L) Moench], Sudan grass (Sorghum Sudanenses), and Pioneer (Sorghum bicolor (L) Moench) X Sudan grass (Sorghumsudanenses (Piper). The experiment was laid out in randomization complete block design (RCBD) in four replications, varieties were assigned to main plots and water intervals (7, 14 and 21 days) to sub plots. The seed rate was (20kg/h) for all varieties. Watering intervals were applied after one month after sowing. Growth parameters studied were plant height (cm), stem thickness (cm), number of leaves/plant, number of tillers /plant and plant density. In addition yield components were fresh and dry weight and chemical composition which included protein and fiber content. The general trend was that water intervals, varieties and their interactions had significant effect on some parameters of growth (plant height and number of tillers/ plant). Irrespective of water intervals Abusabein showed the highest yield in terms of fresh and dry weights. Generally, application of water at 7 and 14 days resulted in a significant affect on plant height, numbers of leaves/plant, stem thickness, number of tillers/plant, plant density and dry weight.