The identification of the problems and constraints preventing farmers from increasing their productivity is essential for getting the real solution of low productivity. The main objectives of this study were to see how farmers perceived their training needs, their level of awareness and adoption of the technical packages of the main crops and how they identify constraints responsible for their low productivity in Gezira Scheme. Seven irrigation divisions were selected randomly from 21 irrigation divisions (Wad Elnaw,Wad Elbur, Tabat, Kab Elgidad, Shalaie, Wad Elmansi and Gaboja). A questionnaire was designed to collect the required data by using random sample technique from 395 farmers. The information was collected during the period from April to July 2010. The data were statistically analyzed using the statistical package for social science (SPSS) to calculate frequency, percentages, mean and standard deviation. A Likert scale was used to see how farmers perceive their training needs and how they identify constraints responsible for their low productivity. The study revealed that the level of adoption was relatively low and far less than the level of awareness for the recommended agricultural packages regarding the adequate use of water, removal of crops residues, uses of sprayer and plant spacing. The study showed that the farmers rank irrigation problems at the top followed by pests and diseases, insufficient agricultural inputs, increase of costs of production, problems of harvest and post-harvest processing, agricultural finance problems, inadequate agricultural marketing, lack of extension services and insufficient number of extensionists, management problems and finally problems of storage. Based on the findings, there was a strong need to provide farmers with sufficient credit inputs supply, marketing information and to raise the capacity of farmers on irrigation water management, farm management and in different subjects related to their needs to develop skills, upgrade knowledge and bring positive change among farmers to increase productivity.