This study aimed to investigate the influence of argel and micro-elements foliar applications on flowering, fruit set and fruit retention in vegetatively malformed ‘Kent’ mango cultivar, following an immediate comprehensive malformation combating treatment. The comprehensive treatment counteracted malformation successfully as symptoms of the malady were not detected in all trees including the control. The foliar application of either argel plus Mn, Mn or argel alone, increased the number of flowering branches significantly. Compared to the control, all foliar treatments of argel and micro-elements resulted in significant increase in fruit set. The number of fruits retained per panicle 16 weeks after treatments was significantly increased by argel + Fe or sole argel foliar treatments. As the number of flowering branches and number of retained fruits per panicle are among yield enhancing components, these results may be used as a baseline for further studies to improve productivity of mangos under Sudan’s conditions.