The spleen is the largest haemolymphnodesin the body and large part of the reticuloendothelial tissue of the body is concentrated in it .This is experimental study designed to determine the application of ultrasound for estimation of splenic length,width and thickness of Sudanese pediatric population .This study was done on Fifty healthy school age, age group between 4-14 years .It look three measurements (length, width and thickness of the spleen).
The study revealed three correlations,too highly correlations between splenic measurements and children weight and height and weak correlation between splenic measurements and children age. The study also revealed there is no significant difference between both sexes.
The best correlation was between child weight and splenic length,followed by child height splenic length .and weak correlation between child age and splenic length.
The results of the study revealed that the mean of splenic length ,width and thickness were (8.20 cm with stdev 1.43cm, 2.9 cm with stdev .66 cm and 6.6 cm with stdev ,83 cm )respectively.