This study aimed to know the reality of IT systems in the
departments of Education of the Republic of Sudan.
Q 1: What is the reality IT systems in the departments of Education of
the Republic of Sudan from the standpoint of education managers and
their assistants and heads of departments in those departments?
Q 2: How do members of the school community calendar information -
crisis to perform administrative duties - they receive from IT
departments in their departments?
Q 3: What the proposals of members of the school community about the
development of information technology systems in the departments of
Education of the Republic of Sudan?
This study was applied on a sample of directors of departments and
heads of departments in the education departments of the Republic of
Sudan and the (20) management and the descriptive survey and used the
questionnaire as a tool for this study has been the adoption of sincerity
arbitrators to this questionnaire, and adopted. The researcher used the
following statistical methods
Iterations and the percentage, arithmetic means, standard deviations and
Cranach alpha coefficient for persistence
The most important results are as follows:
1. Responses differed study sample as a whole with respect to the first
2. The overall study of sample was good for information provided to
them from the departments of information in terms of accuracy,
timeliness, reliability)
The average for information provided to them from the
departments of information they have in terms of (inclusiveness,
3. Degree study sample approval on proposals to develop information
technology systems in the departments of Education degree strongly
agree on all the paragraphs of this area.
Recommendations: researcher recommends the development of
information technology systems in the departments of Education,
according to the following:
1. Building an integrated information system in the departments of
Education, and not only the powers of the partial
2. Staff training in information technology systems to collect and
computerize data
3. Activating the role of e-mail as a mediator appropriate to transfer
information quickly.
4. Provide official with smart computers to give suitable alternatives
for decision-making.
5. Develop the ways of remote meetings between officials in the
departments and in the field through technical means.
6. Activate Web sites of education departments to enable the browser
to get IT without management review.
7. Contract courses for officials in how to manage information