Leishmaniasis, a truly ancient disease, was named after W.B.Leishman who identified organisms in smears taken from the
spleen of a patient who died from Dumdum fever in 1901.
Cutaneous Leishmaniasis constitutes 50 percent to 75 percent of
all incident cases, and is the mildest form of the disease. It can be
caused by any Leishmania sp. Most cases heal spontaneously
within 1 year or more.
Treatment : Given the clinical diversity of Leishmaniasis and the
lack of adequately controlled therapeutic trials; each case needs to
be individualized base.
In spite of the fact that Cutaneous Leishmaniasis is ancient disease.
Still the treatment is challenging. Recently C02 laser open new
dimension for cure.
objective: The study aim to determine the efficacy and safety of
carbon dioxide laser in treatment of Cutaneous Leishmaniasis
Methodology: This is prospective study ,carried out in Sudan
University for Science and Technology from February to
September 2014. The diagnosis of Cutaneous Leishmaniasis was
done by clinical examination confirmed by smear. Then lesions
were anesthetized by local anesthesia and treated by fractional
C02 laser (between 10-15 watt, fractional wave duty time 500, idle
time 0.005s, space 0.2mm, graphic circle and diameter depend on
the lesion size). and the lesion covered by topical antibiotic.
Result: There were 10 patients with 13 lesions, all treated with
one session of C02 laser. Three lesions were 2 cm2 or less healed
within 4 weeks with primary intension. Two lesions were 2-5 cm '
healed with scar with reduction in their original size ( ulcer). Eight
lesions of 5 cm'' and more healed with scar with post inflammatory
hyper pigmentation. At 12 week there was no evidence of
recurrence .There was mild pain, and no major side effect. All
patients felt it was satisfactory result.
Conclusion: Carbon Dioxide laser is effective treatment for
Cutaneous Leishmaniasis. Safe and simple.