This study aims to investigate the effectiveness of teaching grammar through communicative method: A case study of4th level of English language students at ALziem Alazhari University in Omdurman locality. it concentrates on investigating the diversified views that English language teachers at University of Alzaiem who have these problems as well as testing university students through pre and post Test inside the classroom so as to see their fluency and accuracy as well as standing on their common mistakes when they carried out great hope that, this investigation will help in the diagnosis of these problems.
The data consists of the population, sampling framework
The data collection method, as well as the procedure which the researcher follow to achieve the aims of the study.
the population of the study consists of forty-five English language teacher from different Sudanese universities in Khartoum states who have differences in their experience as well as their universities whether they are supervisor, lecturers in governmental Universities and others are experts.
The study confirms the existence of these problems as far as the hypotheses of the study are concerned. The majorities of the teachers strongly agree or agree with the problems which are mentioned in the hypotheses of the study. In addition to that, from the pre and post-test, many problems appear from the students answers. The study ends by recommendations related to the different views given by the English language teachers at Alzaiem Alazhari University in Omdurman locality. In addition to that, there are suggestions for further studies in the some field.