Due to the large on line services, there are a lot of different frameworks
used to develop web applications. The process of selecting proper framework
that fulfil the purpose for which applications to be the most suitable was
considered. Hence before developing the application the user must go through a
lot of steps mainly his ability to deal with framework and the programming
language used to develop the framework. The main objective of this research is
to perform a comprehensive review and a comparison on the most popular
frameworks used to develop web application specifically Django, Ruby on Rails
and Cake PHP in order to help the user to select a proper framework that suits
the scope of the required applications. The selection methodology is based on
software engineering criteria, namely: documentation, lines of code, community
and validation. The results show that the best framework based on the four
criteria is Ruby on Rails. For more comparison and review the results of the
questionnaire show that the Ruby on Rails is the best framework. The study
recommends more evaluation studies based on other software engineering
criterion such as user interference, etc, must be done on the Django, Ruby on
Rails and Cake PHP frameworks.