This study aims at introducing the Obstacles Faced by Teachers of English
in Developing Speaking Skill in Large Groups in Secondary Schools -
Khartoum Locality . The researcher adopts from previous researchers to define
" a large group as one in which characteristics and conditions present
themselves as inter-related and collective constraints that impede meaningful
teaching and learning " .
The methodology used by the researcher was the descriptive method. The
questionnaire was used as a tool to collect the required data , the sample of the
study was the English language teachers both male and female . The researcher
distributed ( 60 ) questionnaires , he received back ( 57 ) , but only ( 50 ) of
them were suitable for analysis . Also the researcher used interview , the
sample of interview consists of ( 60) of English teachers and it includes ( 10 )
questions .
The research findings are that implementing approaches in teaching large
classes can facilitates and solves some obstacles such as classroom size . Also
using these approaches affect positively on student’s performance, teachers
can solve the obstacles of large classes by using different techniques , so
these techniques help students to speak language and the content of the
curriculum helps in developing speaking skill through the vocabulary ( words
in the books ) , dialogues , etc…… and encourage them to practice speaking
skill inside or outside classroom .
The researcher recommends that much effort should be done to build
more schools in order to reduce all these numbers of students . Many English
language teachers need to be trained in how to present and use the good
techniques such as pair work , group work activities , drama , storytelling