The request form is a way to gather information about the patients who undergo CT or any other radiological procedure .The study was to assess CT chest request form using an ideal request form and compare it to the request forms collected from different hospitals to reduce the complications which can occur with insufficient information about patient’s condition.
A total number of 60 CT chest forms referred from various hospitals in Khartoum state were evaluated. The result of the study revealed that patient name, exam date, physician name, age and gender were included in the request form. Height, weight, allergy to medications, sedation, and anesthesia, requirement of special care, pregnancy, kidney dysfunction, serum creatinine and diabetes mellitus were absent. Phone number was found in 88.3% of forms, furthermore clinical data was found in 91.7% of request forms and Previous CT scan was found in 3.3% of request forms. In spite of the importance of the information included in an ideal request form, radiological departments don’t imply them in their procedures.