Stock market prediction is one of the hottest field of research lately due to its business applications
owing to high stakes and the kinds of attractive benefits that it has to offer. The stock
market is a dynamic, non-linear, complex, and chaotic in nature, forecasting stock market
price is an important financial problem that is receiving increasing attention. During the last
few years, a number of many models were presented to develop a relationship between the
attributes which affect the stock index and its values. This thesis proposes a soft computing
technique enhanced decision in financial management. The decision allows investors to
maximize their expected return while practicing the prediction against financial risks. The
importance of the research stems from the fact that it can be used to reduce the risk associated
with uncertainty price movements in the stock market. The literature review shows that there
are a large number of studies trying to forecast movements in the stock market, but there
is a lack of literature trying to improve stock market risk management strategies with soft
computing techniques. This thesis addresses this gap by applying the existing body of literature
in stock index forecasting with soft computing techniques to the domain of forecasting
index movements. In particular, it analyses whether there is an influence features of stocks
used to predict movements of the stock index can improve forecasting the stock index movement
off an investor faces use S&P 500 dataset and data related to it to create new dataset
has impact in the price; The S&P 500, or the Standard & Poor’s 500, is an American stock
market index. The S&P 500 presented its first stock index in the year 1923. S&P 500 index
found to have 27 influence features which affect the index values. A new market forecasting
model based on soft computing and especially genetic programming is developed to enhance
the investor decision. The model compare with traditional model Auto regression model and
Artificial Neural Network model. The system analysis stock market and futures data and
makes a prediction about expected stock market conditions one day and next week. Selected
new Features dataset by used GA to decrease the complexity. We were expecting that not
all these features are significant in computing the index. Thus, we split our work to two
phases. The first phase is to develop models based on these 27 features using Multiple Linear
Regression (MLR) and ANN. Not only that, but we also explored a promising technique,
multigene symbolic regression Genetic Programming to provide a mathematical nonlinear
relationship between these attributes. GP found to be a powerful algorithm for providing
mathematical modeling. In the second phase of this thesis, we adopted GAs as a mechanism
to select the best features that contribute to the modeling process. The set of best features
are once again used to build S & P 500 prediction models. Although the developed models
in the second phase are with slightly less performance than in the first phase but the models
are much simplex in complexity. This suggests that the stock market can be forecast using
soft computing technique. Overall, this thesis concludes that the proposed model achieves a
significant improvement in the prediction of stock market index.