A cross-sectional study was conducted in cold dry season from
November (2014) up
estimate the
to January (2015) in Khartoum state, Sudan to
prevalence of bovine trypanosomiasis and the prevailing
species of trypanosomes as well as to assess host related risk factors.
Blood samples collected from 380 randomly selected cattle from 3
parasitological examination
Centrifugation Technique (HCT) and
Blood smear).Also packed cell
volume(PCV) of each animal was measured for anemia estimation .
The overall prevalence was found to be 21.6%. Trypanosoma vivax
was the predominant species in the area. The Chi-square test showed that
there were 13 out of 19 risk factors show
statistically significantly
association in bovine trypanosome prevalence (p-value≤0.25). These were:
Age- chi square results showed significant differences in trypanosome
prevalence between adults, young stock and calves (χ2 = 24.873, df = 2, p-
value =0.000). Body condition show significant differences in trypanosome
prevalence between good and poor (χ2= 27.198,df=1,p.value=0.000).
Locality (χ2 = 10.478, df = 2, p.value=.005), using prophylactic treatment
(χ2= 38.050,df=1,p.value= 0.000), presence of vectors in the farm (χ2=
5.578,df=1,p.value= 0.018), using insecticide for controlling vectors (χ2=
71.416,df=1,p.value =0.000).
The risk for trypanosomiasis was therefore positively associated with
insect apparent density (χ=28.759 df =2, p-value =0.000), presence of other
animals in the farms (χ=6.403 df = 1, p-value =.011, prsence water body and
irrigations canals (χ=4.855 df = 1, p-value =0.028), As for vegetation
(χ=7.166 df = 1, p-value= .007.There were significant differences (χ=9.570
viiidf = 1, p-value =0.002) between trypanosome prevalence proportions in
cattle raised under different husbandry practices, the overall mean PCV
(χ=7.663 df = 1, p-value= 0.006) and presence of wild life around the farm
(χ=16. 694df =1, p-value=0.000). There were six risk factors not
significantly associated with trypanosome infection in cattle in our study (p-
value > 0. 25) .the sex (p-value=0.348), production type (p-value 0.348),
herd size (p-value =0.998), presence of other disease (p-value =0.438),
Breed (p-value= 0.605) and Location of life stock market (p-value =.479).
The Multivarte analysis using the Logistic Regression showed that there
were 7 potential risk factor significantly associated with trypanosomiasis
(p-value ≤0.05).These were age,(p-value=0.001), locality(p-value=0.026),
controlling insects (p-value=0.002), presence of other species of animals (p-
value =0.010),density of insects (p-value= 0.016) and presence of wild life
around the farm (p-value =0.018).
Finally, this work showed that trypanosomiasis is an important
disease affecting the health and productivity of cattle in the Khartoum
State. Hence, attention should be given to this problem so as to
improve livestock production and agricultural development in the area.