This work would not have been completed without the help, support and encouragement of many people and organizations. I would like here to thank a number of people and Institutes, that without the help and support of whom, this work would never been possible. Firstly, thaks are for my main supervisor Dr. Mubarak El Saeed El Karsani and for my Co-supervisors Dr. Munsoor Mohammed Munsoor and Dr. Hanan Babeker El Eahir. They are the supervisors that a student would ever seem to be supervised by. Thanks are for the management of Port Sudan Ahlia College for financial support and encouragement. I am grateful to Dr, Mohamed Ahmed El Feel, Dr. Manal Mustafa and Mr. Yassir Abdin Babeker, from the haematology department at the central laboratory, Om Durman Military Hospital for kindly performing the capillary electrophoresis. Thanks are also for my college, Mr. Bashir Abder Rahman Bashir, who has made his own laboratory available at all times. All thanks are for Professor Mousa Mohammed Mousa and again for Dr. Hanan Babiker Eltahir for technical support. I would also like to thank my students at Port Sudan Ahlia College and all the patients who have participated in this study and their families