Fluid filtration occurs in the loose sand and high preamble formation as shale, and this lead to problems during drilling operation such as stuck of the pipes and increase of equivalent circulation density (ECD), etc…. .
Different materials and additives are used to prevent the increase of filtration into formation such as Pac lv (Polynomic cellulose low viscosity), in the project Hyphaene thebaica fruit, Zizyphus ,spina-Christi fruit and adansonia fruit crust used to applied as filtration and loss control additives .
The objective of this project is to investigate the performance of a local materials (Hyphaene thebaica fruit , Zizyphus ,spina-Christi fruit and adansonia fruit crust) in powder form for filtration control and in coarse size for (Hyphaene thebaica kernel , Zizyphus ,spina-Christi fruit) as loss circulation material , In this project laboratory tests conducted to evaluate the performance and efficient of the local material in filtration control and loss circulation ,From result we figure out the powder of adansonia fruit crust can be used as fluid filtration control additive for low concentration, and Hyphaene thebaica fruit and Zizyphus spina-Christi fruit can stopped the partial losses of the mud specially for small size of LCM .