This study was conducted in meat Laboratory College of Animal production Science and Technology-SudanUniversity of Science and Technology from January to July 2018 toevaluate the cooking loss percentage of sausage from different sources. 36 sample of sausage from different sources was collected and subjected to cooking at 70℃ for 100 minutes for threesuccessive days and cooking loss percentage of samples was determined. Study revealed that the cooking loss percentage of sources I , II and III were in the normal range in day Ias (19.87 ± 0.81 % ,18±1.00 % and 18.6 ± 1.05 %)respectively,in day II as(22.20 ± 0.72%, 21 ± 1.00%and21.4±0.80% respectively, in day III as(20.41.28%, 22.671.53% and 24.130.8%) respectively. whereas the cooking loss percentage of source 4 was high as (41±1.00 - 36.17±1.26 - 39±1.00) % respectively for the three successive days.