The pulmonary tuberculosis is infectious and chronic disease; increase
morbidity and mortality due to morbid condition develop during the stage of
disease like anemia and Pancytopenia.
This was a case control study which aimed to study the CBC parameters and
iron profile in active pulmonary tuberculosis patients to detect the effect on
CBC and iron profile (S. iron, S. ferritin, TBIC, saturation %) and to detect
frequency and the type of anemia in these patients.
One hundred twenty subjects were recruited for this study, 60 patients with
active pulmonary tuberculosis patients and 60 healthy volunteers as a control
group, blood samples were collected from all participants in EDTA and plain
vacontainers tubes.
Patients' data were collected by structured interview questionnaire and analyzed
by statistical package for social sciences (SPSS), version 11.5.
Complete blood count parameters were measured by automated hematology
There was statistically significant decrease in hemoglobin concentration, MCV,
MCH (P. value: 0.002, 0.009, 0.001respectively) and no statistically significant
change in PCV, RBCS count and MCHC. (P.value:0.818, 0.409, 0.486
respectively) with statistically significant increased in RDW-SD, RDW-CV. (P.
value: 0.001, 0.000 respectively) in active pulmonary tuberculosis patients when
compared with healthy control.
There was statistically significant increased in WBCs count and absolute
monocyte count (P. value: 0.009, 0.000 respectively) with no statistically
significant difference in absolute neutrophil count, absolute lymphocyte count,
absolute eosinophil count and absolute basophil count (P. value: 0.278,
0.177,0.160, 0.321respectively) when compared with healthy control.
IVThere was statistically significant increased platelet count (P. value: 0.009) with
statistically insignificant change in MPV, PDW, and P-LCR (P. value: 0.068,
0.028, 0.055respectively), when compared with healthy control.
There was statistically significant decrease in serum iron and TBIC (P. value:
0.000, 0.000 respectively) and statistically significant increase in serum ferritin
(P. value: 0.000) with statistically insignificant change in saturation%
(P.value:0.777) when compared with healthy control.
There was statistically significant positive correlation between hemoglobin
concentration and serum iron (P.value:0.000) and between hemoglobin
concentration and saturation %,( P.value:0.002) with no correlation between
hemoglobin concentration and serum ferritin(P.value:0.212)and between
hemoglobin concentration and TBIC(P.value:0.035)in active pulmonary
tuberculosis patients.
The frequency of anemia in active pulmonary tuberculosis is (48.3%) and the
types of anemia are ACD (45%), IDA (3.3%) and the most types of anemia
microcytic hypochromic anemia, secondly normocytic normochromic anemia.