Corpus callosum is vital part of the human brain because it enhances and
maintains communication between brain hemispheres. Also corpus
callosum dimensions and texture might be change in respect to age which
generally might insinuate or simulate pathology.
The aim of this work was to provide a Sudanese index (dimension) for
corpus callosum and the associated parts in the normal people and the
changes in the measurement that attributed to gender and compare it with
the published data. This study was conducted on 50 patients (25 male and
25 female) with normal corpus callosum, their age ranged between 10-74
years. MRI studies were performed on 1.5 Tesla (Toshiba and SIMEIENS)
whole body MR systems using standard imaging head coil.
The study revealed that the mean CC, genu and splenium widths 7.68, 3.60
and 5.42 cm respectively. The corpus callosum length, fronto-occipital
length, fronto-corpus callosum length, and occipito-corpus callosum length
were. A significant negative correlation was observed between Genu
Width and Age for (r= - 0.7277) and between Trunk Width and Age for (r=
- 0.3951), A negative correlation also observed between Splenium Width
and Age for (r= - 0.0008). Furthermore, A significant Positive correlation
was observed between Corpus Callosum Length and Age for (r= 0.082),
Corpus Callosum increases in all its parts starting from 10 years until 50years then start to decrease.
The study concluded that according to the normal cells adaptation the age
have direct effect on the corpus callosum size and noted that increase in
age lead to decrease in corpus callosum dimensions